Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hash up

I am on the lovely terrasse café that I always go to on a lovely sunny Saturday morning. Bless this day Man.

Many things to record today. Weight is down 2 pounds and fat % is up 1 or 2 %. This week I ate less, drank no water to speak of and didn't exercise -- sprained foot you see. It all makes very logical sense and I'm feeling in tune. Perky mood is brought to you today by striped tank top and new deep blue jeans. Oh and jade bangle bracelet noticed by all the girls and no Man. Yeah I'm a tall strong and lank girl and catch me if you can.

There is also this way of being with people but without people in the café. Out and about, me at my best, with the human proximity that I resist to take in sometimes. A low risk, high returns situation. And  Led Zeppelin on the radio oh babe I need to download some of this and listen to it all day into the night.

Measurements are all a bit down from last week. Tee hee.

This week I've been thrown in a few social situations and they where meaningful (did I tell you that this is what I strive for in general, that moments get meaningful?). Style night at a restaurant and I made the assembly laugh with my spur of the moment presentation of myself. This is a very good 'check' for me.

Then a whole day of travelling to Quebec city on a pitch with two senior vps. Imagine a three hour car ride in the wee hours of the morning. A two hour presentation in which I spoke. One quick presentation of who I am and didn't bank on what I needed to say. One pretty good moment of presentation of the strategy for an interactive program. This is a good 'check' for me. A double check. There where several very important people in that room. And one fairly bad moment when I interrupted and then stumbled completely, went blank, misspoke. This got noticed by everyone, most specially my bosses I know, but no one held it against me at all. I was a secondary support in this pitch.

Then a two hour lunch, then three more hours of a drive back. Not one single moment alone. Talk about high exposure. I was very happy to be part of the day, but it's safe to say that it was hard on my nerves at the end of the day. And I ressass the bad and the ugly soo much. I'm still very much a weary, frightened girl somewhere inside. It takes time.

Onwards. Tonight a night of dancing wee-hee! This is another kind of exposure but one I can handle well. Tomorrow a birthday for which I need to knit a sock in record time. I will do a bike ride for low-impact exercise and train once this week-end. I will do food and home.

Man, if you want to pop up this week-end I will try to be on the look out.


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