Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Mornings are better than nights.

This morning, it is as dark as any november day. It will probably pour.

Sooo to calm my anxieties, I'm opting to cruise work and worry about personal items instead.

I finished my beautiful, first, sweater and am surprised that it fits and damn well it does too! Ha!

It's merino and kid mohair orgasmic cocoon wool, in Bilberry colour. It is scrumptious and elegant and comfy and soft and lustrous has a huge halo of mohair that sheds like crazy. It's a big sweater too, with big stitches. Love it.

Some defects in it, but nothing I would care about except maybe the dye lot change demarcation. The color changed slightly when I started from a new batch of yarn, part of one side looks a bit faded :(. I hope this evens out in washing but probably not. I will still wear it proudly.

This is digression... I meant to say that to calm me, I'm screwing work completely in my head. That voice? Dead to me.

Keeping up with my energy level, my own happiness and needs. The little sting of loneliness. Listening, making the most of it - that's my route.


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