Thursday, December 4, 2008


Two hard cover makeup beauty books
One hair dryer diffuser (it's magic)
Eye cream, face cream, lip balm, foundation, concealer, powder, blush and lip base.
A promise to take my mom to the hairdresser and colorist (she's recovering from knee surgery and has to stay in a rehabilitation hospital 'til god knows when - she hogs my Nintendo DS now).
I left my skies at the ski shop to have them ready for the season.

Now I will get one pair of indoor running shoes and one pair of outdoor running shoes and after this i will STOP.

Then I'll balance my budget, minus this week.


There is no good English word for the French manque. The closest thing is 'withdrawal', but manque doesn't imply having experienced something once before. It's the state of being incomplete without something.

I am clearly permanently affected by some manques in my life. They are old news and not replaceable.

However, this week I am binging on buying stuff. It feels sooo good. I don't normally do this. I love my stuff.

It's not a good idea to be to severe with yourself your hole entire life. It can lead to sudden holes in your savings.

I'll be alright.


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