It turns out that there are a lot of existing mood tracking widgets/software online. I didn't actively seek them because I know exactly what I want mine to be, and none are that exactly. I found one very promising example but the beta is not even out yet. will cleverly use mood tagging (you associate your good/bad moods to words) that will result in giving you an accurate at-a-glance view of your triggers for good and bad mood.
I'm happy that if people out there are working on a great mood tracker, I don't have to. I also found that there is a community of people on the Internets that are tracking their mood, or that express a need too and that are seeking for tools, just like me.
It makes sense that a lot of mood trackers are Bipolar. When I saw that correlation, it was a big 'duh' moment. Of course, you would need to track your moods if it goes everywhere and if you are testing the effect of medication.
Sounds a lot like me, and what I am doing.
I've never been diagnosed bipolar and I'm not saying that it's a next step in my therapy. But I'm saying that the charts that Bipolar people use to keep track of their moods are A LOT like the one I drew out for myself.
For example, they have a check box for 'mixted' mood. Up and down at the same time. I know that mood, and I had placed that check box in my draught chart.
So bipolar or not, such a tool is surely a powerful helper. I have to figure out how to make a quick one in excel, I need one NOW.
A good week-end includes:
going up north to see old friends and camping in their backyard because the cash is low.
Cleaning, sunning, exercising.
This morning I was a 2, working in my mind, stressing, thinking of how much work needs to be done now.
Got up to 5-6 not sure why, I did dishes and found a spot for SideShow Bob, my miniature palm tree that ate up half of the space in my bedroom.
My mood now swings at a low 2 when i think of work, at 5 not sure why, and back at 2-3 when i think of moving my ass and getting stuff done for tonight.
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