Today I understand that my extenuation this week could have something to do with the bbq night I had last week. I should make efforts now to limit drinking in special events - I am not 20 year old anymore and even then, I didn’t have the most merry twenties.
Yesterday I shut down, I only showed up for 4 hours at work and then I went home and didn’t look at emails, phone, nada. I canceled going to see a play with my nephews in it. My mom and sister were disappointed, but the kid I spoke to was fine. It was in the South Shore, a bit of a drive, and I new I wouldn’t stand sitting uncomfortably for hours, while all I want is a hot bath and to dose off.
I read almost the entire Smart Women Finish Rich book, as if I have a sudden urgency about getting my finances together. I do, and I’m doing it. Because while I am squeezed in these earning years I will get the most out of it - i.e. start contributing heftily to retirement savings. After that I have to consider and help beau with his issues. We have to figure out how we are going to manage while he pays off his debt. He is going to move in with me in a few months :).
I made an effort to do some light cleaning. Cleared the table, emptied and filled the dishwasher, lined up the shoes, washed the bedsheets, and hand washed 3 tops with lovely jasmine scented Eucalan. Smells great, and I will be able to clean a basket of delicates that have been waiting forever in my bedroom.
I haven’t eaten right in a few days. Not hungry in the am, grabbing whatever in the pm (rice, bread with cheese, a glass of wine). I fuel on coffee for the better part of the day. I see how all this plays up in my exhaustion and fedupness.
I did write some goals and values down while I was reading the book. But for today I think i should wish for a gentle one, a friendly one, where time pasts fast while doing slow things. I wish for energy and laughter and restful times.
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