Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crepe Suzette

The pear turned up in an unexpected crepe suzette this morning. It was good but I am still digesting it. It's not an easy fruit to eat.

Speaking of which, I have got to shape up and ship out. I have been a major zombie for 10 days now, except for never turning down an invitation. Yesterday it was my mom, and we did the movies and restaurant thing. Both where good although I was less than a wreck.

It's safe to say that I'm a prey to 'what happens', to what I don't control, and my mood will make major swings according to what life throws at me. It's safe to say that I wouldn't feel safe turning down my career. I guess that I have to be honest with myself. The artist writer gardener knitter mother? yogi socialite is not me now. I don't feel safe with that. I need the hole buzy-ness to fill the void because it terrifies me.

How can I feel better and appease both sides of me? ha. well. I have almost 2 more weeks to pounder on that one. My guess is: meditation, outdoorsy things and sports, and also... I will see my psychologist and he will say that I am a nutter for choosing the career. But he's a grounding element in my imaginary fortress. He will be so brutally rational. And there are the pills. They worked wonders last time so it's sound thinking that they will help again. Maybe not just yet though, it's too soon, and my situation is to bizarre, to tell.

Off I go planning a session with a trainer. I have 11 of them so I will use them if I must pay an extra 10$.

It's mind-boggling what happens in transitions. I prefer to let it ride.


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