Thursday, September 17, 2009


Two minutes - I'm fine. I am going to travel and wandering what I need. I understand what happened last time. I flew after a couple work related traumaz; I was thinking of getting a new life. Out with the old, in with the new. It sure didn't happen.

This time, well, I'm there to enjoy it :). I love my home and I know it. I love my little daily tasks: prepping food, clearing the dishes, folding clothes away, and putting trash and recycling out. I love doing home economics: spending a week on 97$ so I can pay off my debt in bigger chunks. Claiming money from who owes me. Slowly re-integrating form & fitness, reducing my pill intake by half. And above all I love the sun that shines Every Day, the canal, the books, the people, the food, the low cost of everything... I don't want to move in Amsterdam - I live in my favorite place.

More later,

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