Friday, October 16, 2015

Smaller and Smaller

For the record again - I'm happier than yesterday, more carefree. I don't need an agenda today - there are the mountain, the movies and the writing that await for me when I'm ready. Dinner is my sole engagement.

I am deleting fifty thousand files from my computer. I can't wait to see the space I will gain. I love this exercise. It's pretty easy my friends, I just had a lot of unused apps. I still don't know how to best handle my photo storage needs. That's too complex for my brain right now.

I'm still horizontal.

When I stepped outside to get ingredients yesterday, I had a small thrill. It is superb autumn days, they are remarkable for the blue, the red and the yellow, the heat and the crisp air. In the isle of the natural-ethnic food shop, I was travelling. It all came back.

Then I made a risotto in 6 minutes (plus prep time), in the pressure cooker. That made me happy, so did beau just because. And I went to bed early.

That is all I have to say, except remember gratitude and don't worry about anything else. Sometimes it's good to spend time in a cocoon.


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