Well hi there, welcome to a new start for me. I don't know if I will keep track of it in this blog, in another blog, or on paper, but I will start journaling for a few reasons. It does me good and it's relaxing, I love to write, I find that it brings up wise thoughts, I want to keep track of a few goals and see how life progresses, and it will replace some time that is used to browse the internet aimlessly.
My main concern right now is the pressure at work, no big news right? But I took on a new role this year and my boss quit recently and isn't replaced, and my workforce is... lacking, my clients are dogs (ok one of my clients is a dog), my suppliers aren't delivering, and I'm scared shit. At least my mood is still good, but my energy is going away fast.
In the health department, I am suffering from exhaustion and a common cold that won't go away, it's been more than a month now. I am also waaay overweight because my lifestyle of late hasn't included any exercise, but lots of drinking and eating anything.
To help with all those concern I am starting a program at the gym today. I will go today after work for the first time. And I will write things down.
I'm not sure if I should write about my love life but it is going so good.
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