Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I slept through the night! Good sign. In my dreams I was sometimes at the bottom of a lake out of breath, freeing something that was caught, but then I emerged periodically in a little spot for air, and returned back to my task. Good sign. I was also on route in a car on an snow and ice filled rocky mountain road where we inevitably capsized. But there was enough food and things to do to take care of everyone. I'm not without resources.

Talked to my beau who is enraged, I tried to calm him down. He has the most devious ways of getting back at people and was not short on advice, but I couldn't take it. I don't operate that way. I need to stay calm and do what feels right. Day one, take it in, reflect.

That's not how my firm operates. My own calmness can be called idiocy or courage. I call it courage, ultimate courage where you stand to lose everything, but you still stand.

Today is day two and I have an appointment at the notary in the morning. In the afternoon, I'm hoping to have my evaluation for my past year of work. It's been scheduled for a long time. I hope that they will do the right thing and give it to me straight. I wonder if I will be questioned some more, and if I will be listened too. This is what I am hanging onto for day 2, both idiocy and courage.

I am calm and have my wits together. All good.


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