Sunday, December 14, 2008


It was a week of a few revolutions. First and foremost, the dark cloud that tinted everything, and specially others, has lifted. Just like that - every interaction is normally friendly as it should be. Life feels good! I don't always feel like disappearing, hiding hideous abominations for so long that I don't even know what they are about anymore. Oh yeah, that wasn't me.

I did not follow my fitness plan because of a major binge drinking client xmas party (the free booze no food kind). I had no clients there but still ended up cozying up to one and being noticed. I have spent 4 days being totally embarrassed because I had lost my memory and didn't know exactly what I did with who. Let alone what I said. Ouch! Reliving my teens here. Finally I remember everything (I think), and it has been a good laugh.

I signed my lease annulment. This is the one and only time in 10 years that my landlord hasn't been a total moron and gave me no trouble. He's still a tadpole.

Now, for a final revolution: I got the magic flat iron that turns my big coarse head into fine, beautiful, shiny, shampoo commercial grade hair. Revolution is a small word.


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