Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hop scotch

My house smells of ammonia and the usual moth flicker in my face as much as they can. Gross creatures. I eat a mix of peanut butter, sugar, milk and cocoa until i feel sick about it. I tie my hair and note my extra weight, flab all around. I have not been to the dentist since 2007. I sleep and have little activity. I read, I read. I make love once a week only. I turn on the tv and watch 6 channels. I read the paper and wake up to the news. I'm informed. I see my boyfriend's friends because I stopped keeping up with mine. I don't clean. I don't know where the ammonia was dropped. I don't wash my face, I don't wear makeup. I never had jewelery. Sometimes I remember to put moisturizer. I take bathes i never shower. My bathroom is cold it never had heating. I have a lot of clothes that i don't wear. I lose my belts. My socks never match. I don't exercise. Sometimes I drive, sometimes i bike, sometimes i lay in the autumn leaves. I have spent many moments staring at the un-destroyed building where i thought my condo would be. Today i found it across the road. I was staring at the wrong spot all that time. I was happy to see it. It's a hop scotch away from the metro. My boyfriend laughed, me and all. merriment all around. I made a list of things i lost, lately. then I made a wish. How about being happy like those dogs in the parc. How about it. I made a plan. The air is foul here, but I will be moving.


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