Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Apprivoiser la bête

Mercredi et des soubresauts dans mon corps. Une fébrilité hypersensible, qui me fait vivre des émotions forte tout le temps. Je crois que c’est mon état normal. Je le joue en me plongeant dans diverses activités, en prenant du recul, en tranchant mon temps et j’en garde pour le repos. 

Le soleil a plombé hier lors du lunch où j’ai parlé du Costa Rica, mon voyage au pays des merveilles, à ma collègue.

Disons que j’ai les sens à vif, c’est ce que je remarque dans mes billets du passé, les petites paroles et gestes me pénètrent et sont senti comme des affronts ou des dangers. Cette lecture est probablement très subjective, mais les effets ne le sont pas.

Par contre j’apprivoise bien ça en ce moment, je suis heureuse et encouragée par le regain d’énergie que j’ai. Je me sens très bonne guerrière, et je n’arrête pas d’y porter attention.

Par exemple je cherche des occasions de vivre d’avantage, de m’exprimer - pas envers les autres, mais sur cette planète, en ce monde, je surveille les occasions de devenir la personne que je suis, si ça fait du sens. Par exemple ça peut passer par l’écriture.

Pour ce qui est de m’exprimer envers les autres, je le fait beaucoup plus spontanément cette année. Il s’est passé quelque chose. Je me suis cachée dans le passé, de honte, de peur ou pour me protéger. Je sors de ça.

Voyez, je suis heureuse! En amour, en famille, en amitiés et je m’en sors pour ce qui est de gagner ma vie. Je souhaite de tout coeur que cette spirale continue dans son sens. Le cercle virtueux ça existe. Pour moi c’est une quête de sens (meaning). Est-ce que ce qui est en moi s’exprime dans le monde et laisse une empreinte, de bonté, d’entraide, de truth sayer.

Ça a l’air d’être des voeux pieux, mais ça doit s’appliquer à l’intérieur de moi d’abord. Je veux m’appliquer à être bonne envers moi-même, une bonne amie qui construit du courage pas du sabotage, et j’ai une pulsion de dire ou de décrier ce qui es tu.

Comme l’inéquité bordel.


Monday, May 25, 2015


It’s Monday evening and I feel energized, felt like this all day. Also for once I’m not in too deep at work, and I almost get the jitters - i’m not used to this and it’s clear that I don’t have the meds anymore, so I react with a kind of intense speed at doing things and some wonder of what this feels like (new) and some worries about how I’m doing.

I came home and scarfed down some cheese and tortillas. My body’s been a bit whacked lately, its tired but it can’t stop being awake and wants to jump into what’s next like there’s an emergency. It’s my emergency to live, and I let it do that.

I also have to give me credits for this energy, because I have been constantly keeping active with gym and bike rides, or walks into nature, and I found a new Yoga place to round it up. These walks and rides in the sun mean everything to me, make me feel so alive.

Am I high? Do you think?

This evening I pulled away from work at a decent time and now I’m to do something that relaxes and feeds into my desires. Sounds easy, but it’s easier to pass this by I think. My beau has arrived, so I will bid farewell.


Thursday, May 21, 2015


A lot is up it seems, and I have to write - not out of an impulsion, but because of the good it does to my mind, to sort things out. And also because looking back there are a lot of kernels of wisdom that I recorded in the blogs, my own kind of school.

I recently understood that my truth in life, my dharma, is about kindness, empathy and helping each other find out if we are all happy to be together. My father once wrote this to me on a piece of paper, something about cells in my body reaching out to the others, to find out if we are all still there, and still want to be together. I’m also the truth sayer, finding and revealing the tension of what is unsaid. This is my purpose I believe.

I can and must apply it to myself internally too. My life has been a roller coaster, but this path is my level. It came to me lately in the last year after reading about dharma, but also, you know, all this introspection that i do constantly.

I read backwards that I am scared to hurt others, I thread lightly in adversity with others, I am unbalanced in conflict, making it hard to support. In my natural, medication-less state, I read a lot of imminent conflict or aggression into other peoples pretty normal behaviours. If I strip out the whole journey that took me to today, I may call this a sort of social phobia. I don’t know if it helps to call it that.

I have stopped medications 2 months ago. I’ve had a life & death situation happen in winter, and coming out of this, i found an incredible compulsion to live to the fullest. I have it now, a rolling fire, that completely changes my attitude. I’m in a state of emergency to live, but also in appreciation of what I have, and understanding that I have to be kind to myself.

It’s not something I chose, not something that is reflected in my life today, but its just coming from the essence of me.

So I happen to be more active, more energized, more engaged in the very fast paced life that I have. I worry about balance, this is in my line of sight too. Not that I am doing to much, but that what I’m doing needs to align with my essence. I have a lot of truth-saying and checking if we are all alright to do. when I start doing that in the work that I choose to do, I will be rewarded.

I’m far from there in my current job, but it’s constantly shifting too accommodate me, so I wouldn’t say there is a conflict there right now. However, its time for me to do some sideline things in a freelancing sort of way. I need that freedom.

But before I start changing the world around me, I need to look inside and make sure I’m kind to myself, that I’m balanced inside, that I have my own internal freedom.

I still have family plans with my beau. We travel and eat and laugh a lot. Have good friends and a great family. A nice house and a good life. And summer has started!.
