Monday, February 17, 2014

The glide

I thought i would write about how gooood I’m feeling on a Monday morning!! This is completely unheard of, even my Sunday night was a textbook realxing evening with my love, with the TV (House of Cards season two episode 1 - OH darlings!), some wine and that après-ski glow.

Sundays for me are usually about stomach in a knot, hamster spinning in the head and shut down of emotions in preparation for the week that comes. Mondays mornings, and all mornings, have been about how long can I stretch this moment before I get to work.

I’m not more eager to get to work, anyway I have a medical appointment today. But, this relaxed, positive and still glowy feeling? Amen.

There is the thawing of this winter, even if puffy snow abounds (thankfully for the ski and the overall prettiness), I can feel the days getting longer. But someone told me that I talk a lot about the weather, I do. Hey it’s a safe place.

There has been a few things, but most significant are two: My bosses have finally talked to me about my future in the agency. The first time in three year that I have a 10 minute talk about it. This changed everything in that I don’t feel that I have a gun to my head and about to be told that I’ve been laid off -- a scenario that is too real these days for some of my fellow colleagues due too losses.

Well, I still have evolved internally about my role, and continue to - I have detached from feeling this company as a “parent” I think. But I have to admit that the cagey place I was in has subsided in an instant. Managers need to know the impact they can have on us gee whiz. I had months, maybe a year of living in deep anxiety. But I’m proud of how I handled it all in the end.

The other thing contributing to my great glowy feeling are Ski and Yoga. I’ve been skiing every week-end with my sister and lover, and yesterday my nephew joined us. The sun, the glide, the crisp air. This is the main deal everyone. Above and beyond anything I can do to cheer me up - this is it.

I started Yoga at a nearby centre this week, and I clicked. Like when you c-l-i-c-k your ski boot in the ski. It feels so totally right, and I feel so totally good. I have felt the deep focus that I couldn’t feel for as long as I can remember. The challenging long poses. The surrender. These teachers and this centre is very good. I’m hooked.

Voilà - now off to my appointment, than work, and life continues with a promising light.


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