Tuesday, December 11, 2012

More good things

Because I need them, and I forget that I have them.

-The unadorned christmas tree, first ever to appear in this condo

-Beau who brought it in the house

-He is still the best partner ever ever ever

-A happy and motivated employee

-Good warm waterproof boots

-The very relative upkeep of my house

-My hip getting better

-The good food we prepare together

-My weekly vegetable basket

-My hair getting compliments

-Seeing my friend June who brought me gifts!

-Friendly folks at work

I am not feeling very well at work. I feel threatened and extremely worried about managing well and helping us grow out of issues. I fear I may be erased in the process - or erase myself - because of a dominating colleague. I have to make some hard decisions and am still spinning a wheel in motion and acting as firewoman for multiple fires. Also my grandma is in hospital and I am sad. Overall this is making me stressed at all times, tired when I get home, and sleepless at night. I’m writing here to check-in.


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