Sunday, July 18, 2010


I'm making some progress, if ever so subtle. I don't know if I have the ability, right now, to change something.

You see, there is a barrel. Everyone has them. You can see them or not, but at some point you may find yourself at the bottom of one and then you know what I mean. I've been there, you probably have too, and if you're still here, you may have crawled out of it and are not looking back.

I am not at the bottom of a barrel, I am on the edge. I'm quite certain that I have been motorcycling around its inner hem in a circle for the last... two-three years, going up and down in spirals, in some kind of dynamic equilibrium that keeps me from hitting the bottom. Well, I'm still there spinning around, making some fancy jumps here and there when I have too, but man, I am tired and running out of gas.

I've asked my friend So how to get my out of there. If the life has a lot of tolerability, and the lady has gigantical endurance and tolerance capabilities, well, it can go on forever! A scary concept!

There comes the usefulness of the proverbial barrel. If nothing gets you up and out of it, then hitting the bottom will be effective in ending the tireless rotational repetitions.

I don't wish it upon myself. I would much rather take a deep breath and lift up and out and land somewhere unknown, outside.

But I'm a wuss.

I guess that the takeaway here is, if you ever hear a big thumping, smashing noise one day coming from this vicinity, smile. In or out of the barrel, it means I got out of the infernal cycle. Wish me luk


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