I am trying this live writer software, I think that I can get used to this.
These past weeks are eventful, hard, and I am persevering as best I can. Pausing this morning to tell you about it… on my new netbook (!!!!), on my lap, at my boyfriend’s place.
My netbook is totally adopted and may make me an even less sociable person in the near future. I need to return it though because a battery hinge is broken loose. I will get it in red this time (white was a bad choice). Until I pack it and send it back, I keep installing stuff on it and never part with it.
Soo my weeks… Big projects are not delivering and piling up. I am doing my best, but don’t think that I am holding all the balls up in the air. Good thing is this applies to my work and not my mind. It’s sunday and I caught a cold to add to the drama. Makes me slow down, not a bad thing.
Like last year my life is on standby until I get rid of these launches. It’s challenging and global media are waiting to see it happen. No pressure.
What was fun (and stressful) is that I did a shoot for a mini tutorial of my project. It was done on the cheap but I made it happen nicely. Then my editor went awhol but that’s another matter added to the pile.
I also had a warped interview for a senior lead strategist that of course didn’t go well. Let’s just say that I wasn’t prepared, and that the job was obviously not for me. I didn’t even know what it was truly. I wanted the contact with the lead and would like an entry position job, but, not ready.
Do I have time for this? Ha! This tells me that my current job does not leave me room to grow. And I’ve always wanted to grow. I need to.
I hold a small grudge for sensing that people think i can’t make it. My ego gets hurt, cause i think I can do almost anything superbly if it’s not sports related. But, they don’t have to believe this of course and ultimately it doesn’t matter.
Probably need a pause here. My gut wants me to go where I find peace and pleasure. My mind is a bit more ambitious. My body? Quite dead beat at the moment.
I need to persevere, than pause.