Ladies and gentleman, I am in love. And I think that he is the one. And that he is for keeps. And it is the first time that I don't have reasonable doubt about a man's compatibility with me. It seems to all be working and flowing, and me floating.
I have never ever been able to write the first three sentences of this post in all my life of 38 years. It has been only one month and four days. We are moving fast but it is natural, and now, possibly we will slow down. Sip the drink rather then gulp whole glasses. We have been thirsty for a long time, and we were both ready to meet each other on that happy day.
You will excuse me for being sappy, but if you saw how my eyes are fired up now! Yours would be too. I am on a natural high and indeed I've reduced my dose of antidepressant medecine.
I was going to write about some worry, about how we are moving along and what to do to protect us, since we are holding a pretty rare and fragile thing. But I forget what it was. Maybe I am too enamoured. I will write again. Inspired poetry will come back.